If you burn your hand in a pan with crackers, you spend too much time in the sun or you serve hot coffee in your lap, the burns are not pleasant. Burns are one of the most common injuries in the home.
Burns are classified by severity. A first degree burn is considered the least serious because it affects only the outer layer of the skin. Usually, it only causes mild pain, redness and swelling. Second-degree skin burns cause blisters and white, moist, shiny skin. Third-degree burns can damage all layers of the skin; fourth-degree burns can affect the joints and bones. Third and fourth degree burns are considered medical emergencies and should only be treated in a hospital.
It can treat first degree burns and second degree burns with a diameter of less than 5 cm in the home. Read on to find out which remedies are best for your skin and what should be avoided.
The best home remedies for burns.
Mild burns usually last one to two weeks. The purpose of burn treatment is to relieve pain, prevent infections and heal the skin faster.
1. Let the water cool down.
The first thing you should do if you have a slight burn is that it has not cooled in the water for about 20 minutes. Then wash the burned area with mild soap and water.
2. Allow the pads to cool.
A cold compress or a clean, damp cloth over the area of the burn will relieve pain and swelling. You can apply compression at intervals of 5 to 15 minutes. Do not use excessively cold compresses, as they can irritate combustion even more.
3. antibiotic ointments
Antibiotic creams and ointments prevent infections. Apply to an antibacterial ointment such as bacitracin or neosporin to attach it to a sterile, non-fluffy bandage or cloth.
4. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is often touted as a "combustion plant". Studies show that aloe vera effectively cures burns from first to second degree. Aloe is anti-inflammatory, promotes blood circulation and inhibits the growth of bacteria.
Apply a layer of pure aloe vera from the leaf of the aloe vera plant directly to the affected area. If you buy aloe vera in a store, it is sure that it contains a high percentage of aloe vera and avoid these supplements, especially dyes and perfumes.
5. honey
Honey is sweeter now. Apart from its delicious flavor, honey can help with localized healing of minor burns. Honey is anti-inflammatory and naturally antibacterial and fungicidal.
6. Reduction of solar radiation.
Do your best to avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Burned skin wants to be very sensitive to the sun. Keep it covered with clothes.
7. Do not explode
As tempting as it is, leave your bubbles in peace. If a blister breaks, it can cause an infection. If you are concerned about blisters caused by your burn, consult a doctor.
8. Take over-the-counter pain relievers.
If you have pain, contact an over-the-counter pain reliever, such as ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Aleve). Be sure to read the label for the correct dose.
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